Saturday, September 22, 2012

stress = eat.

I'm in a funk, folks. Being sick for two weeks will do that to a spirit, I suppose, but it's time for some major rebuilding because I'm headed for unhappiness if I don't snap out of it and regroup.

YES I had to take a break from my half marathon training. YES this probably means I won't be able to do the half on Oct. 7 (never say never). YES I had to take a break from yoga. YES I am still recovering. YES I will spring back. YES I will run a half marathon...even if it's not this one. YES I will be okay.

When you've been training to run a half marathon, and then have to stop all the sudden, it's hard to stop eating like you eat when you're training. I've probably gained 5-7 lbs in the past 10 days. I don't really want to know, and I'm not going to look at the scale because that's only going to trigger a lot of negative self-talk at this point. But this is definitely something I'm struggling with.

For example, I made these gluten-free vegan peanut butter cookies a couple days ago. Quartered the recipe. Thank god I did because I pulled them out of the oven and devoured them all, despite the fact they had soggy insides and could've stood for another 6-8 minutes of baking.

They were really good. So I would suggest making some. Just maybe up the baking time a bit, and uh oh yeah, don't eat them all at once. I mean you could. But I wouldn't recommend it.

Tonight when I was feeling blah, I almost made these oatmeal butterscotch cookies. (Granted, they're still on my to-do list.) But then I lit some candles, and pulled out my yoga mat instead. Did an easy flow for 25 minutes. It was the right decision.

Thus I give you:
10 things to do before making/consuming food one knows one doesn't need.

  1. Drink a glass of water. Dehydration is, after all, commonly mistaken for hunger.
  2. Take the pup for a spin around the block. I don't care what the temp is, just do it.
  3. Paint/repaint nails. Can't nom if you're going to ruin wet nails.
  4. Chew some gum.
  5. Or brush those teeth. 
  6. Look at some fit-spiration.
  7. Do 10 pushups.
  8. Do 30 crunches.
  9. Do a 90-second plank.
  10. Go on a cleaning rampage. There's always shit to clean.
I will def be consulting above list a lot in the next few days. I eat when I'm stressed, and I'm kind of pretty stressed at the moment.

But then I look at my sleepy puppy, and he makes things instantly better :-)

To getting back on track with running, and yoga, and coursework, and life in general.

All smiles,

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